Carly Grace

Carly Grace

Journey through sound to inner silence with Carly.

Re:Sound - Crystal Bowls

  • Connect with your inner stillness through meditation, sound, and silence.

  • A nourishing space that fuses Meditation, Sound Healing, and Silence, as a pathway to inner peace.

  • Step away from life’s busyness and connect to your inner calm, when we are connected to ourselves we are more able to respond to challenges with grace and wisdom.

“When you lose touch with your inner stillness, you lose touch with yourself. When you lose touch with yourself, you lose yourself in the world”

— Ekhart Tolle

  • Hi, I am Carly, I share meditation and sound healing with the focus on rest, nurture and connection with the stillness within. For the last thirteen years I have been dedicated to studies in awakening and healing. In 2011 working as Co-Director at the London College of Spirituality, I was introduced to Sound Healing with the Alchemy Bowls which opened up a new path in my own awakening and service. In partnership with Sound Universe we started the first sound temple in London, providing training to empower people to share sound healing with the alchemy crystal bowls in their homes, with their families and communities. In 2019 I felt a strong call to deepen in my own inner studies, I moved to Portugal to live with my teacher at their home and ashram which is dedicated to self realisation. It is now my joy to combine my studies of consciousness and sound and provide a space where you can deeply rest and be in harmony with the stillness within.

  • With 15 years of experience working with groups and a special focus of 7 years in sound healing, my qualifications are both extensive and eclectic. I am a Reiki Master and have completed training in various other healing techniques such as Light Grids Therapy and Quantum Alchemy Crystal Bowls. These varied skills allow me to bring depth and breadth to each class, creating a rich tapestry of healing techniques.

  • Reiki Masters

    Light Grids Therapy by Damien Wynne

    Quantum Alchemy Crystal Bowls Level 1 & 2

    Sound Medicine Vocal Sound Healing Level 1

    Speaking the Sounds of Source Level 1

    Meditation Teacher Sally Kempton

  • Harmonic Tranquil Insightful

    My classes are best described as a fusion of meditation, soothing sound, and moments of stillness. Utilising Alchemy Crystal Bowls (Crystal Tones), I guide you into a deep state of relaxation that allows for emotional release and promotes a sense of calm. This sound healing experience takes you beyond the entanglements of the mind, inviting you to be fully present. The class culminates in silence—a space where an alive presence is felt and where you can breathe deeply into your body and surrender.

Book a class with Carly: