The Burnt Out Gift Guide: 2023 gift guide

For those feeling weighed down by the hustle and bustle of life, this collection is a soothing balm. From stress-relieving remedies to tranquil soaks, these gifts are handpicked to unburden the overworked or exhausted parents, bringing back a sense of peace and rejuvenation.

  1. Inner Compass Love Cards - A soothing balm for the burnt-out heart, guiding one through the journey of love and self-discovery. These cards, merging contemporary design with timeless philosophy, offer a gentle way to unburden the heart and embrace the many shades of affection and relationships. £45, Re:Mind Studio

  2. Hack Your Nervous System Card Deck - Think of this deck as a peace-and-calm cheat code, blending ancient wisdom with modern therapy. It's a pocket-sized toolkit for anyone craving a reset button for their nervous system. £23.50, Re:Mind Studio

  3. Immersive Aroma Breathwork Workshop with Rebecca - An aromatic journey of breathwork and essential oils, this workshop is a haven for the overwhelmed. It's not just a class; it's a transformative experience into relaxation and present-moment awareness. £60, Re:Mind Studio

  4. First Aid Flower Remedy, Alexis Smart - A pocket-sized peacekeeper for the perpetually burnt out. This swift-acting floral remedy is a must-have for navigating life's stressful twists – from travel anxiety to overwhelming days – bringing instant calm and a restored sense of self. £45, Re:Mind Studio

  5. Herbal Tranquility Soak, Wilder Botanics - Turn their bath into a tranquil escape with this herbal soak. It's a blend of salts, clay, and oils, perfect for anyone needing to melt away the day's tensions. £35, Re:Mind Studio

  6. Unburden Flower Remedy, Alexis Smart - Like a sigh of relief in a bottle, this remedy is for anyone needing to lift the weight off their shoulders. It's stress relief and strength, all wrapped up in a few soothing drops. £45, Re:Mind Studio

  7. Acupuncture Treatment, Pricc - a lifesaver for the burnt-out soul, offering personalised relief for everything from hormonal imbalance to migraines. It's the ultimate 'Chill Pill' for anyone grappling with stress, insomnia, or seeking a tranquil haven. £60, Pricc


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